Chandradev Prasad Verma College has been established to promote higher education sector for the students living in rural areas whose economic condition is not good. Co-education runs in our college.

This institution has been established to increase the level of education of boys and girls especially in rural areas so that they can easily get higher education despite financial constraints. The mission of establishing the college is not limited to providing education only but to inspire them to become well-qualified, disciplined and civilized citizens.

Apart from studies, emphasis is also given to cultural programs, debate competitions and sports related activities in the college so that children can develop their culture and self-discipline.

I am confident that the students of our college will become enlightened, patriotic and civilized citizens full of various skills and will make their human life successful by contributing as actively as possible to the development of society and country.
I wish all the best for the future of the students studying in this college.

With Regards,
Dr.Ramesh Prasad Verma